[Kerry Wong] Talks (and Talks) About a 300 MHz Oscilloscope

There aren’t many people who could do an hour-long video reviewing an oscilloscope, but [Kerry Wong] is definitely one of them. This time, he’s looking at a UNI-T MSO2304X 300 MHz scope. The review might be a little long, but the scope — like many modern scopes — has a lot of features for measuring power, accommodating digital signals with an add-on pod, and protocol decoding.
The scope has a touchscreen and four normal inputs, plus two frequency generator outputs. You can also use a mouse or an external display. But, of course, what you really want to know is how the scope performs when reading signals.
Thanks to its 5 GSa/s sampling rate, this 300 MHz scope was still able to handle much higher frequencies. Of course, the amplitude isn’t meaningful as you go over the limit, but sometimes, you just want to see the shape of the signal.
[Kerry] has promised a teardown video for this scope soon, and we’ll be watching for it. He sure knows his way around a scope. The scope reminded us a bit of our Rigol DHO924S, and we wondered how its trigger modes compare with this scope.
from Blog – Hackaday https://ift.tt/Kn9YHNi
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