Need A Low-Mass Antenna In Space? Just Blow It Up!
A parabolic antenna is a simple enough device, a curved reflector designed to focus all the radiation from the direction itās pointed into a waveguide or antenna at its feedpoint. Theyāre easy enough to make for a radio amateur, but imagine making one for a spacecraft. It must fold into a minimal space and weigh almost nothing, both difficult to achieve. An engineering academic doing work for NASA, [Christopher Walker], has a new way to make the parabolic surface that solves the spacecraft designerās problems at a stroke, it forms its parabolic reflector on the inside of an inflatable structure . In this way relatively huge reflectors can be built in space, with easy folding and very little weight. The linked article describes the antenna as spherical and its accompanying photograph certainly looks pretty spherical to us. This does however present a problem, because a circle and a parabola are not the same. Thus a purely spherical shape might approximate to a parabola at low angles b...