
Showing posts from October, 2024

Voyager 2’s Plasma Spectrometer Turned Off in Power-Saving Measure

The Voyager 2 spacecraft’s energy budget keeps dropping by about 4 Watt/year, as the plutonium in its nuclear power source is steadily dropping as the isotope decays. With 4 Watt of power less to use by its systems per year, the decision was made to disable the plasma spectrometer (PLS) instrument . As also noted by the NASA Voyager 2 team on Twitter, this doesn’t leave the spacecraft completely blind to plasma in the interstellar medium as the plasma wave subsystem (PWS) is still active. The PLS was instrumental in determining in 2018 that Voyager 2 had in fact left the heliosphere and entered interstellar space. The PLS on Voyager 1 had already broken down in 1980 and was turned off in 2007. After saving the Voyager 1 spacecraft the past months from a dud memory chip and switching between increasingly clogged up thrusters , it was now Voyager 2’s turn for a reminder of the relentless march of time and the encroaching end of the Voyager missions. Currently Voyager 2 still has four

MikroPhone – Open, Secure, Simple Smartphone

Modern smartphones try and provide a number of useful features to their users, and yet, they’re not exactly designed with human needs in mind. A store-bought smartphone will force a number of paradigms and features onto you no matter whether you want them, and, to top it off, it will encroach on your privacy and sell your data. It’s why self-built and hacker-friendly smartphone projects keep popping up, and the MikroPhone project fills a new niche for sure, with its LTE connectivity making it a promising option for all hackers frustrated with the utter state of smartphones today. MikroPhone is open-source in every single aspect possible, and it’s designed to be privacy-friendly and easy to understand. At its core is a SiFive Freedom E310, a powerful RISC-V microcontroller – allowing for a feature phone-like OS that is easy to audit and hard to get bogged down by. You’re not limited to a feature phone OS, however – on the PCB, you will find a slot for an NXP i.MX8M-based module that

Witch’s Staff Build is a Rad Glowing Costume Prop

Let’s say you’re going to a music festival. You could just take water, sunscreen, and a hat. Or, you could take a rad glowing witch’s staff to really draw some eyes and have some fun. [MZandtheRaspberryPi] recently undertook just such a build for a friend and we love how it turned out. The concept was to build a staff or cane with a big glowing orb on top. The aim was to 3D print the top as a very thin part so that LEDs inside could glow through it. Eventually, after much trial and error, the right combination of design and printer settings made this idea work. A Pi Pico W was then employed as the brains of the operation, driving a number of through-hole Neopixel LEDs sourced from Adafruit. Power was courtesy of a long cable running out of the cane and to a USB power bank in the wielder’s pocket. Eventually, it was revealed this wasn’t ideal for dancing with the staff. Thus, an upgrade came in the form of an Adafruit Feather microcontroller and a 2,000 mAh lithium-polymer battery tu

FLOSS Weekly Episode 803: Unconferencing with OggCamp

This week Jonathan Bennett and and Simon Phipps chat with Gary Williams about OggCamp! It’s the Free Software and Free culture unconference happening soon in Manchester! What exactly is an unconference? How long has OggCamp been around, and what should you expect to see there? Listen to find out! Did you know you can watch the live recording of the show Right on our YouTube Channel ? Have someone you’d like us to interview? Let us know, or contact the guest and have them contact us! Take a look at the schedule here . Direct Download in DRM-free MP3. If you’d rather read along, here’s the transcript for this week’s episode . Places to follow the FLOSS Weekly Podcast: Spotify RSS from Blog – Hackaday

ROG Ally Community Rebuilds The Proprietary Asus eGPU

As far as impressive hacks go, this one is more than enough for your daily quota. You might remember the ROG Ally, a Steam Deck-like x86 gaming console that’s graced our pages a couple lf times. Now, this is a big one – from the ROG Ally community, we get a fully open-source eGPU adapter for the ROG Ally , built by reverse-engineering the proprietary and overpriced eGPU sold by Asus. We’ve seen this journey unfold over a year’s time, and the result is glorious – two different PCBs, one of them an upgraded drop-in replacement board for the original eGPU, and another designed to fit a common eGPU form-factor adapter. The connector on the ROG Ally is semi-proprietary, but its cable could be obtained as a repair part. From there, it was a matter of scrupulous pinout reverse-engineering, logic analyzer protocol captures , ACPI and BIOS decompiling, multiple PCB revisions and months of work – what we got is a masterpiece of community effort. Do you want to learn how the reverse-engine

Xiaomi M365 Battery Fault? Just Remove A Capacitor

Electric scooters have long been a hacker’s friend, Xiaomi ones in particular – starting with M365, the Xiaomi scooter family has expanded a fair bit. They do have a weak spot, like many other devices – the battery, something you expect to wear out. Let’s say, one day the scooter’s diagnostics app shows one section of the battery going way below 3 volts. Was it a sudden failure of one of the cells that brought the whole stage down? Or perhaps, water damage after a hastily assembled scooter? Now, what if you measure the stages with a multimeter and it turns out they are perfectly fine? Turns out, it might just be a single capacitor’s fault. In a YouTube video, [darieee] tells us all about debugging a Xiaomi M365 battery with such a fault – a BQ76930 controller being responsible for measuring battery voltages. The BMS (Battery Management System) board has capacitors in parallel with the cells, and it appears that some of these capacitors can go faulty. Are you experiencing this part

Print Yourself Penrose Wave Tiles As An Excellent Conversation Starter

Ah, tiles. You can get square ones, and do a grid, or you can get fancier shapes and do something altogether more complex. By and large though, whatever pattern you choose, it will normally end up repeating on some scale or other. That is, unless you go with something like a Penrose Wave Tile. Discovered by mathematician Roger Penrose, they never exactly repeat, no matter how you lay them out. [carterhoefling14] decided to try and create Penrose tiles at home —with a 3D printer being the perfect route to do it. Creating the tiles was simple—the first step was to find a Penrose pattern image online, which could then be used as the basis to design the 3D part in Fusion 360. From there, the parts were also given an inner wave structure to add further visual interest. The tiles were then printed to create a real-world Penrose tile form. You could certainly use these Penrose tiles as decor, though we’d make some recommendations if you’re going that path. For one, you’ll want to print the

2024 SAO Contest: We’ve Got SAOs for your SAOs

So, we heard you like SAOs. How about some SAOs for your SAO? That’s exactly what’s going on here with [davedarko]’s SAOAO — introducing the Supercon Add-On Add-On standard , which is inspired by another minibadge standard by [lukejenkins]. At most, an SAOAO is 19×19 mm and features a 1.27 mm 3-pin header. As [davedarko] says, no pressure to do I²C, just bring the vibes. All SAOAOs use the Yo Dawg SAO baseplate, which has room for three SAOAOs. Because six pins is often too many to make a few LEDs light up, the SAOAO standard uses a mere three pins. Not only are SAOAOs easier to route, the pins can’t even be mirrored accidentally because VCC is in the middle, and both outside pins are grounds. Want to get your hands on some of these bad boys? [davedarko] is bringing 100 Yo Dawg SAO baseplates and 200 SAOAOs to Supercon. But if you want to make your own, you are more than welcome to do so. from Blog – Hackaday