
Showing posts from May, 2020

Pulling Data From News Feed Telemetry

We are used to seeing shots from TV news helicopters every day, they are part of the backdrop to life in the 21st century. But so often we hear them overlaid with studio commentary, so itā€™s interesting to hear that their raw audio contains telemetry. It caught the attention of [proto17], who took some audio pulled from a news helicopter video and subjected it to a thorough investigation to retrieve the data . The write-up is at a very in-depth level, and while thereā€™s an admission that some of the steps could have been performed more easily with ready-made tools, its point is to go through all steps at a low level. So the action largely takes place in GNU Radio, in which we see the process of identifying the signal and shifting it downwards in frequency before deducing its baud rate to retrieve its contents. The storyā€™s not over though, because we then delve into some ASCII tricks to identify the packet frames, before finally retrieving the data itself. It still doesnā€™t tell you what ...

Receive Analog Video Radio Signals from Scratch

If youā€™ve been on the RTL-SDR forums lately you may have seen that a lot of work has been going into the DragonOS software. This is a software-defined radio group that has seen a lot of effort put into a purpose-built Debian-based Linux distribution that can do a lot of SDR out of the box. The latest and most exciting project coming from them involves a method for using the software to receive and demodulate analog video . [Aaron]ā€™s video (linked below) demonstrates using a particular piece of software called SigDigger to analyze an incoming analog video stream from a drone using a HackRF. (Of course any incoming analog signal could be used, it doesnā€™t need to be a drone.) The software shows the various active frequency ranges, allows a user to narrow in on one and then start demodulating it. While it has to be dialed in just right to get anything that doesnā€™t look like snow, [Aaron] is able to get recognizable results in just a few minutes. Getting something like this to work compl...

Hackaday Links: May 31, 2020

We begin with sad news indeed as we mark the passing of Marcel van Kervinck on Monday. The name might not ring a bell, but his project, the Gigatron TTL computer , certainly will. We did a deep dive on the microprocessor-less computer a while back, and Marcel was a regular at conferences and on the Gigatron forums, supporting users and extending what the computer can do. He was pretty candid about his health issues, and Iā€™ll add that when I approached him a few weeks ago out of the blue about perhaps doing a Hack Chat about Gigatron, he was brutally honest about how little time he had left and that he wouldnā€™t make it that long. I was blown away by the grace and courage he displayed. His co-conspirator Walter Belger will carry on the Gigatron mission, including joining us for a Hack Chat on June 24. In the meantime, this might be a great time to pick up a Gigatron kit before theyā€™re all sold out and get busy soldering all those delicious through-hole TTL chips. May of 2020 is the mo...

Building One Test Fixture to Rule Them All

Test and programming fixtures are great time-savers for anyone who needs to deal with more than a handful of PCBs. Instead of plugging in connectors (or awkwardly holding probe tips or wires) to program some firmware or run tests, one simply pops a PCB into a custom fixture with one hand, and sips a margarita with the other while a program decides whether everything is as it should be. Test fixtures tend to be custom-made for specific board layouts, meaning one tester is needed per board or device type, but this work is easily justified by the huge time savings they offer. An inserted PCB sits atop the thick acrylic piece, with pogo pins making contact from below. Generous space on the left and right make sure there is clearance for any mounted components. Visible near the bottom of the green board are output LEDs, and two touch-sensitive pads. But the fine folks at Sparkfunā€™s quality control department figured they could save even more time by exploiting common design features acr...

If This Is Your Inspiration From Space, Youā€™re Doing It Wrong

So after a false start due to bad weather, the first manned launch of a SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule with two astronauts on board has gone ahead. After playing catch-up with the ISS for around 27 hours theyā€™re now safely aboard. At times it seems that space launches have become everyday occurrences, but they are still heroes who have risked their lives in the furtherment of mankindā€™s exploration of space. Their achievement, and that of all the scientists, engineers, and other staff who stand behind them, is immense. I watched the drama unfold via the live video feed. Having heaved a huge sigh of relief once they were safely in orbit, the feed cut to the studio, and then moved on to interview the NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine . He was naturally elated at a successful launch, and enthused about the agencyā€™s achievement. You can watch the full interview embedded below, but what caught my attention was his parting sentence : And if this can inspire a young child to become the next El...

Homebrew Binaural Microphone Lets You Listen Like a Human

We humans may not have superpowers, but the sensor suite we have is still pretty impressive. We have binocular vision that autofocuses and can detect a single photon, skin studded with sensors for touch, heat, and pain, and a sense of smell that can detect chemicals down to the parts per trillion range. Our sense of hearing is pretty powerful, too, allowing us to not only hear sounds over a 140 dB range, but also to locate its source with a fair degree of precision, thanks to the pair of ears on our heads. Recreating that binaural audio capture ability is the idea behind this homebrew 3D microphone . Commercially available dummy head microphones are firmly out of the price range of [LeoMakes] and most mortals, so his was built on a budget from a foam mannequin head and precast silicone rubber ears, which you can buy off the shelf , because of course you can. Attached to the sides of the foam head once it got the [Van Gogh] treatment, the ears funnel sound to tiny electret cartridge ...

The Descendants of Ancient Computers

Building computers from discrete components is a fairly common hobby project, but it used to be the only way to build a computer until integrated circuits came on the scene. If youā€™re living in the modern times, however, you can get a computer like this running easily enough, but if you want to dive deep into high performance youā€™ll need to understand how those components work on a fundamental level . [Tim] and [Yann] have been working on replicating circuitry found in the CDC6600, the first Cray supercomputer built in the 1960s. Part of what made this computer remarkable was its insane (for the time) clock speed of 10 MHz. This was achieved by using bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) that were capable of switching much more quickly than typical transistors, and by making sure that the support circuitry of resistors and capacitors were tuned to get everything working as efficiently as possible. The duo found that not only are the BJTs used in the original Cray supercomputer long out...

Digitize An Analogue Oscilloscope

Many of us will possess digital oscilloscopes which offer at an affordable price an array of features once unimaginable on the analogue CRT ā€˜scopes of yesteryear. But those old analogue beasts were fine pieces of equipment when they were made and remain so today. So how can they find a place in the digital age? Perhaps [Joseph Eoff] has the answer, because heā€™s fitted his trusty Telequipment D43 with a camera in a 3D-printed attachment , paired with a piece of cross-platform Python/Qt custom software using OpenCV to identify, digitize, and quantify the traces. The software allows viewing the either the digitized trace or the real trace, and derives measurements of voltage and frequency from them. One limitation is that despite the ā€˜scope being a dual-trace model, the software only has a single set of cursors to measure one trace at a time. All the code can be had from the GitHub repository, should you wish to experiment with it or extend it. Itā€™s worth thinking for a minute at what p...

A Tasty Output Device

We have headphones for your ears, and monitors for your eyes. Some computers even have tactile feedback. Now researchers have an output device for taste . The decidedly odd device uses five gels, one for each of the tastes humans can sense. If we understand the paper, the trick is that ionizing the gels inhibits the taste of that gel. By controlling the ionization level of each gel, you can synthesize any taste, just like you can make colors with three LEDs. The five gels are made from agar and glycine (sweet), magnesium chloride (bitter), citric acid (acidic), salt (salty), and glutamic sodium (umami). If you didnā€™t learn about umami in school, thatā€™s a savory taste likened to the taste of a broth or meat and often associated with monosodium glutamate. The shape of the device is made like a sushi roll so that while the gels contact the tongue, a copper foil cathode can connect also. Using this will make you look even stranger than someone wearing Google Glass, but thatā€™s the price o...

Swap Your Microwave for a High Voltage Stereo

When building a new project, common wisdom suggests to avoid ā€œreinventing the wheelā€, or doing something simple from scratch thatā€™s easily available already. However, if you can build a high-voltage wheel, so to speak, it might be fun just to see what happens. [Dan] decided to reinvent not the wheel, but the speaker, and instead of any conventional build he decided to make one with parts from a microwave and over 6,000 volts . The circuit he constructed works essentially like a Tesla coil with a modulated audio signal as an input. The build uses the high voltage transformer from the microwave too, which steps the 240 V input up to around 6 kV. To modulate that kind of voltage, [Dan] sends the audio signal through a GU81M vacuum tube with the support of a fleet of high voltage capacitors. The antenna connected to the magnetron does tend to catch on fire somewhere in the middle of each song, so itā€™s not the safest device around even if the high voltage can be handled properly, but it do...

This Old Console Stereo Hides A Liquor Cabinet

There was a time when consumer electronics were statement items, designed to resemble quality furniture that would be shown off as a centerpiece of the home. Televisions in ornate wooden cabinets, or stereos looking for all the world like sideboards. [Zethus] had just such a huge record player and radio combo in a sideboard, and having little use for the cream of 1950s home entertainment technology, he rebuilt it as a concealed liquor cabinet with electronic controls and a much more modern stereo that forms part of a Logitech Media Server multi-room system. After removing the tube-based radio chassis and Garrard jockey-wheel turntable it was time to gut their supporting woodwork and install the platform derived from a standing desk. With suitably impressive lighting and a pair of VFD displays for the music choice, there is the inevitable Raspberry Pi running the show. Control is achieved by a set of hidden capacitive buttons, and thereā€™s a Web interface to allow both music and magical...

DMCA vs Hacker

This week featured a large kerfuffle over a hack that you probably read about here on Hackaday: [Neutrino] wedged an OLED screen and an ESP32 into a Casio calculator . REACT, an anti-counterfeiting organization , filed DMCA copyright takedowns on Casioā€™s behalf everywhere, including GitHub and YouTube, and every trace of [Neutrino]ā€™s project was scrubbed from the Internet . The DMCA is an interesting piece of legislation . Itā€™s been used to prevent people from working on their tractors, from refilling printer ink cartridges, and to silence dissenting opinions, but itā€™s also what allows us to have the Internet that we know and love, in a sense. In particular, the ā€œsafe harborā€ provision absolves online platforms like YouTube and GitHub from liability for content they host, so long as they remove it when someone makes a copyright claim on it. So if a content owner, say Casio, issues a takedown notice for [Neutrino]ā€™s GitHub and YouTube content, they have to comply. If he believes the r...

Build Your Own Dial-Up ISP ā€“ Now With Modem Pool!

When it was the only viable option, the screech and squeal of dial-up internet was an unwelcome headache to many. But now that its time has passed, itā€™s gained a certain nostalgia that endears it to the technophiles of today. [Doge Microsystems] is just one such person, who has gone all out to develop their very own dial-up ISP for multiple clients. The retro network is based on an earlier single-device experiment , with a Raspberry Pi 3B acting as the dial-up server. Itā€™s hooked up to four modems, three of which are connected over USB-serial adapters implementing hardware flow control. Obviously, four analog phone lines are hard to come by in this day and age, so [Doge] uses Asterisk along with a series of Linksys SIP devices to create their own PBX network.  Each modem gets a phone line, with four left over for clients to dial in. To connect, users can either call a certain modem directly, or dial a special number which rings the whole pool. Thanks to mgetty , each modem is se...

Spacing Out; All the Orbital News Youā€™re Missing

We keep finding more great space stories than we can cover, so hereā€™s a speed-run through the broader picture of the moment as it applies to space flight. The big news this week was the first launch of a manned SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule to the ISS. I was excited because the pass en route to the space station was scheduled to be visible from the UK at dusk, and on Wednesday evening I perched atop a nearby hill staring intently at the horizon. Except it had been cancelled due to bad weather . The next launch window is planned for today and you can watch it live . Meanwhile, fashion is the other piece of this manned-launchā€™s appeal. Their sharply-designed spacesuits have attracted a lot of attention, moving on from the bulky functional Michelin Man aesthetic of previous NASA and Roscosmos garments for a positively futuristic look that wouldnā€™t be out of place in Star Trek . Never mind that the two astronauts are more seasoned space dog than catwalk model , they still look pretty cool ...

Rolling Your Own LED Matrix Driver, With Copper Foil Tape to the Rescue

It all started when [Damien Walsh] got his hands on some surplus LED boards. Each panel contained 100 mini-PCBs hosting a single bright LED that were meant to be to be snapped apart as need. [Damien] had a much better idea: leave them in their 20Ɨ5 array and design a driver allowing each LED to be controlled over WiFi. He was successful (a brief demo video is embedded down below after the break) and had a few interesting tips to share about the process of making it from scratch. The first hurdle he ran into was something most of us can relate to; itā€™s difficult to research something when one doesnā€™t know the correct terms. In [Damien]ā€™s case, his searches led him to a cornucopia of LED drivers intended to be used for room lighting or backlights. These devices make a large array of smaller LEDs act like a single larger light source, but he wanted to be able to individually address each LED. Eventually he came across the IS32FL3738 6Ɨ8 Dot Matrix LED Driver IC from ISSI which hit al...

Job Application Script Automates The Boring Stuff With Python

Job hunting can certainly require a good amount of hoop-jumping in todayā€™s age. Even if youā€™re lucky enough to have your application read by an actual human, thereā€™s no guarantee the person on the other end has much of an understanding about your skill set. Oftentimes, the entire procedure is futile from the start, and as a recent graduate, [harshibar] is well aware of the soul-crushing experience investing a lot of time in it can be. Well, as the saying goes: if you canā€™t beat them, join them ā€” and if you canā€™t join them, automate the hell out of the application process . As the final piece of a ā€œ5 Python Projects in 5 Daysā€ challenge [harshibar] set for herself ā€” which also spawned a ā€œTinder for Netflixā€ for the web development section of it ā€” she essentially created a web-scraper that gathers job openings for a specific search term, and automatically sends an application to each and every one of them. Using Beautiful Soup to parse the scraped pages of a certain job portal, Seleni...

Creating Surreal Short Films from Machine Learning

Ever since we first saw the nightmarish artwork produced by Google DeepDream and the ridiculous faux paintings produced from neural style transfer, weā€™ve been aware of the ways machine learning can be applied to visual art. With commercially available trained models and automated pipelines for generating images from relatively small training sets, itā€™s now possible for developers without theoretical knowledge of machine learning to easily generate images, provided they have sufficient access to GPUs. Filmmaker [Kira Bursky] took this a step further, creating a surreal short film that features characters and textures produced from image sets. She began with about 150 photos of her face, 200 photos of film locations, 4600 photos of past film productions, and 100 drawings as the main datasets. via [Kira Bursky] Using GAN models for nebulas, faces, and skyscrapers in RunwayML, she found the results from training her face set disintegrated, realistic, and painterly. Many of the images...

WiFi Goes Open

For most people, adding WiFi to a project means grabbing something like an ESP8266 or an ESP32. But if you are developing your own design on an FPGA, that means adding another package. If you are targeting Linux, the OpenWifi project has a good start at providing WiFi in Verilog. There are examples for many development boards and advice for porting to your own target on GitHub . You can also see one of the developers, [Xianjun Jiao], demonstrate the whole thing in the video below. The demo uses a Xilinx Zynq, so the Linux backend runs on the Arm processor that is on the same chip as the FPGA doing the software-defined radio. Weā€™ll warn you that this project is not for the faint of heart. If you want to understand the code, youā€™ll have to dig into a lot of WiFi trivia. The good news though is that a lot of the higher-level functions fall to the generic Linux drivers.  Other than a user-space control program, OpenWiFi only provides a driver and an FPGA configuration. All of the hi...

Build Your Own Grid Tie Inverter

Inverters that convert DC into AC are pretty commonplace, some cars even have standard AC receptacles in them for you to plug in your favorite appliance. However, thereā€™s a particular type of inverter called a grid tie inverter that allows you not only to make AC, but also inject it back through an AC outlet to power other devices in conjunction with the normal AC service. Why? Maybe you want to use your own generator or solar power. In some cases, the power company will pay you if you produce more power than you consume. Maybe you just want to know you can do it. That seems to be the motivation behind [fotherbyā€™s] build , which is quite substantial. The setup only handles about 60 watts, but it does all the functions you need: DC to AC conversion as well as phase and voltage matching. Actually, just converting DC to AC is almost trivial if you donā€™t care about the waveform. But in this case, you do care that you can create an AC signal to match the one already on the line. The proj...

Apple Security Advisory 2020-05-26-6

Apple Security Advisory 2020-05-26-6 - watchOS 5.3.7 addresses a memory corruption vulnerability. from Packet Storm

Apple Security Advisory 2020-05-26-1

Apple Security Advisory 2020-05-26-1 - iOS 13.5 and iPadOS 13.5 address bypass, code execution, cross site scripting, denial of service, double free, information leakage, integer overflow, out of bounds read, out of bounds write, and use-after-free vulnerabilities. from Packet Storm

Apple Security Advisory 2020-05-26-2

Apple Security Advisory 2020-05-26-2 - iOS 12.4.7 addresses an out of bounds write vulnerability. from Packet Storm

Tarot Machine Flips Through Fateā€™s Rolodex

Were tarot card readers deemed non-essential in your part of the world (and do you think they saw it coming?) More than ever, we all need diversions that are for entertainment purposes only. And what better basis for entertainment than a mystical fortune-telling robot that can read your tarot cards? This fantastic-looking ā€˜bot stands on the shoulders of [Scott Bezak]ā€™s trailblazing method for easy DIY split-flap displays . Push the rather inviting-looking button on the top, and the flaps start flipping around to find your fortune. Once the fates have aligned, a thermal printer on the front spits out an image of your card along with an interpretation. Itā€™s obvious that [i_mozy] put quite a lot of effort into this slick machine, and we think the stickers look especially great. All the details of physical tarot card readings are accounted for, including a random number to decide the cardā€™s position, and LEDs to represent the cardā€™s element. Suspend your disbelief and check out the demo/...

Books You Should Read: The Design of Everyday Things

With everything from APIs to Raspberry Pis making it even easier for us to create and share objects shaped by personal whim, itā€™s high time that Don Normanā€™s sage design advice falls on not just the design student, but the hardware hacker and DIY enthusiast too. Grab yourself a coffee and a free weekend, and settle into the psychology of people-struggling-how-to-use-that-widget-they-just-purchased in The Design of Everyday Things: Revised and Expanded Edition . Whoā€™s to blame for a door that opens with a pull when everything about how it looks says it should open with a push ? In Don Normanā€™s world, itā€™s not you; its the designer. Enter a world where blame is inverted and mistakes can be critically categorized. Norman takes us example by example showing us how common items in the world poorly serve the needs of their user, mainly because the designer simply ignores key aspects of our humanity. This book is a crisp, concise overview of human psychology when applied to engaging with th...

Hackaday Podcast 069: Calculator Controversy, Socketing SOIC, Metal on the Moon, and Basking in Bench Tools

Hackaday editors Mike Szczys and Elliot Williams march to the beat of the hardware hacking drum as they recount the greatest hacks to hit the ā€˜net this week. First up: Casio stepped in it with a spurious DMCA takedown notice. Thereā€™s a finite matrix of resistors that form a glorious clock now on display at CERN. Will a patio paver solve your 3D printer noise problems? And if you ever build with copper clad, you canā€™t miss this speedrun of priceless prototyping protips. Direct download (~65 MB) Places to follow Hackaday podcasts: Google Play iTunes Soundcloud Spotify Stitcher RSS Episode 069 Show Notes: New This Week: DMCA Takedown Issued Over Casio Code That Wasnā€™t 21st Century Cheating: WiFi In A Calculator dmca/ at master Ā· github/dmca Ā· GitHub Interesting Hacks of the Week: Matrix Of Resistors Forms The Hot Hands Behind This Thermochromic Analog Clock Other displays shown off on baluā€™s YouTube channel Poking Around Inside Of A Linux Sec...

Steampunk Brushless Motor Demo Pushes All the Maker Buttons

Weā€™ll be honest right up front: thereā€™s nothing new in [David Cambridge]ā€™s brushless motor and controller build . If youā€™re looking for earth-shattering innovation, youā€™d best look elsewhere. But if you enjoy an aimless use of just about every technique and material in the hackerā€™s toolkit employed with extreme craftsmanship, then this might be for you. And Nixies ā€” heā€™s got Nixies in there too. [David]ā€™s build started out as a personal exploration of brushless motors and how they work. Some 3D-printed parts, a single coil of wire, and a magnetic reed switch resulted in a simple pulse motor that performed surprisingly well. This morphed into a six-coil motor with Hall-effect sensors and a homebrew controller. This is where [David] pulled out all the stops on tools ā€” a lathe, a plasma cutter, a welder, a milling machine, and a nice selection of woodworking tools went into making parts for the final motor as well as an enclosure for the project. And because he hadnā€™t checked off quite a...

Test Platform Leaks Bank Of America's Clients' Covid-19 PPP Loan Applications

from Packet Storm

ACLU Sues Clearview AI Over Faceprint Collection, Sale

from Packet Storm

New Trickbot Malware Update Makes It Even Harder To Detect

from Packet Storm

Twitter Hides White House Tweet Calling For Killings Of Protestors

from Packet Storm

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-4367-2

Ubuntu Security Notice 4367-2 - USN-4367-1 fixed vulnerabilities in the 5.4 Linux kernel. Unfortunately, that update introduced a regression in overlayfs. This update corrects the problem. It was discovered that the btrfs implementation in the Linux kernel did not properly detect that a block was marked dirty in some situations. An attacker could use this to specially craft a file system image that, when unmounted, could cause a denial of service. Various other issues were also addressed. from Packet Storm

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-4369-2

Ubuntu Security Notice 4369-2 - USN-4369-1 fixed vulnerabilities in the 5.3 Linux kernel. Unfortunately, that update introduced a regression in overlayfs. This update corrects the problem. It was discovered that the btrfs implementation in the Linux kernel did not properly detect that a block was marked dirty in some situations. An attacker could use this to specially craft a file system image that, when unmounted, could cause a denial of service. Various other issues were also addressed. from Packet Storm

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-4359-2

Ubuntu Security Notice 4359-2 - USN-4359-1 fixed a vulnerability in APT. This update provides the corresponding update for Ubuntu 12.04 ESM and 14.04 ESM. It was discovered that APT incorrectly handled certain filenames during package installation. If an attacker could provide a specially crafted package to be installed by the system administrator, this could cause APT to crash. Various other issues were also addressed. from Packet Storm

Crystal Shard http-protection 0.2.0 IP Spoofing Bypass

Crystal Shard http-protection version 0.2.0 suffers from an IP spoofing bypass vulnerability. from Packet Storm

WordPress Multi-Scheduler 1.0.0 Cross Site Request Forgery

WordPress Multi-Scheduler plugin version 1.0.0 suffers from a cross site request forgery vulnerability. from Packet Storm

PanaceaSoft Shell Upload

Various PanaceaSoft products appear to suffer from a shell upload vulnerability. from Packet Storm

This Week in Security: Leaking Partial Bits, Apple News, and Overzealous Contact Tracing

Researchers at the NCCGroup have been working on a 5-part explanation of a Windows kernel vulnerability , targeting the Kernel Transaction Manager (KTM). The vulnerability, CVE-2018-8611, is a local privilege escalation bug. There doesnā€™t seem to be a way to exploit this remotely, but it is an interesting bug, and NCCGroupā€™s work on it is outstanding. They start with a bit of background on what the KTM is, and why one might want to use it. Next is a handy guide to reverse engineering Microsoft patches. From there, they describe the race condition and how to actually exploit it. They cover a wide swath in the series, so go check it out. Left4Dead 2 Just a reminder that bugs show up where you least expect them, [Hunter Stanton] shares his story of finding a code execution bug in the popular Valve game, Left4Dead 2. Since the gameā€™s code isnā€™t available to look at, he decided to go the route of fuzzing. The specific approach he took was to fuzz the navigation mesh data, part of the da...

Toilet Paper Chase And Indoor Cycling Race With Unity And Arduino

While weā€™re still far away from returning to a pre-Corona everyday life, people seem to have accepted that toilet paper will neither magically cease to exist, nor become our new global currency. But back at the height of its madness, like most of us, [Jelle Vermandere] found himself in front of empty shelves, and the solution seemed obvious to him: creating a lifelike toilet paper chasing game in hopes to distract the competition . Using Unity, [Jelle] created a game world of an empty supermarket, with the goal to chase after distribution tubes and collect toilet paper packs into a virtual cart. Inspired by the Wii Wheel, he imitated a shopping cart handle built from ā€” as it appears ā€” a sunshade pole that holds an Arduino and accelerometer in a 3D-printed case as game controller. For an even more realistic feel, he added a sound sensor to the controller, and competing carts to the game, which can be pushed out of the way by simply yelling loud enough. You can witness all of this delig...